Thursday, September 2, 2010

Recipe for Disaster – WEDNESDAY (Day 17)

After a long, hot, Central American day, what are we going to do for dinner? Well the thought comes to mind that we do not want to cook anything on the stove tonight because that just heats-up the house and all we need is more heat! Here is the plan; we will make conventional macaroni and cheese in the microwave and stir-in some tuna for protein. Not a bad idea in theory, TERRIBLE in reality! Something about cooking in the microwave made the noodles sticky and nasty and the whole thing was a bust! I could not eat enough crackers or put enough hot sauce on it to make it tolerable…

Sarah and I both taught in our respective venues today. Neither of us felt great about the way the lessons went! Please pray for us on Monday and Friday at about 4:30CDT and on Wednesdays around 5:30CDT. We deeply desire for the Word of God to be real to these students, but that is the work of the Holy Spirit and we covet your prayers to that end.

Grace and Peace

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